The Kyneton RSL Sub-Branch will again be organising the traditional ANZAC Day march and ceremony in Kyneton on Monday, 25th April 2022 to commemorate the 109th anniversary of the Gallipoli landing. ANZAC Day begins with the Dawn Service conducted at the Cenotaph at 6am. Attendees should begin assembling at about 5.45am. This service will be followed by the traditional Gunfire Breakfast which will be held at the Kyneton RSL club rooms. A gold coin donation is requested for the breakfast and all monies collected will go to providing welfare support for our veterans.
The ANZAC Day march in Kyneton will form up at the corner of Yaldwyn and Mollison Streets at 09.30am and step off at 09.45am. The march will proceed to the Cenotaph where the ANZAC Day ceremony will be conducted. Following the service the march will continue along Mollison Street to the RSL where it will disband. Refreshments will be provided at the RSL following the march.
An ANZAC Day march and ceremony will also take place in Trentham. The parade will form up at the Town Square at about 11.30am and march to the Cenotaph at the intersection of High and Market Streets. The ceremony will be followed by refreshments at the Trentham Neighbourhood Centre. Earlier in the day a Dawn Service will be conducted at 6am at the Cenotaph.
ANZAC Day ceremonies will also be conducted at Malmsbury at 8am at the Memorial Gardens in Malmsbury, Woodend at 11.30am and at Taradale at 1.30pm.
In the lead up to ANZAC Day, the Kyneton RSL will be conducting its annual appeal and badges will on sale in town and at the RSL. You are encouraged to buy a badge and wear it with pride. Again all monies collected goes in support of our veterans.
Any enquiries should be directed to the President of the Kyneton RSL, Mike Gretton, on 5422 6735.

Kyneton RSL to commemorate anniversaries
The Kyneton RSL commemorates significant anniversaries throughout the year.
Victory in the Pacific (VP Day) is commemorated on 15 August, signalling Japan’s unconditional surrender and bringing an end to all hostilities in World War II. A small ceremony, including wreath-laying, is conducted at the RSL. Following the ceremony, a lunch is held to honour our World War II veterans.
Vietnam Veterans Day is commemorated on 18 August and falls on the anniversary of the battle of Long Tan. The battle, which took place in a rubber plantation near the Australian Task Force base at Nui Dat in the then Phuoc Tuy province of the former Republic of Vietnam, was the single costliest battle in terms of casualties for the whole Vietnam War. D Company of 6 RAR, facing an overwhelming force of Viet Cong guerrillas and North Vietnamese regular forces, suffered 42 casualties, 18 of whom died. A small ceremony is conducted at the RSL, followed by light refreshments.
Beersheba Day is commemorated on 31 October.
Remembrance Day is commemorated on 11 November.
Anyone wishing to attend these ceremonies, and lay a wreath or floral tribute, is welcome do so. For further information please contact the President at the Kyneton RSL, Mike Gretton, on 5422 6735.